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In March 2020, the RSC President and the Board of Directors determined that the RSC ought to do what it can to ensure that Canada emerges as a better society coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic than it was going into it.
Freshwater wildlife face an uncertain future
The Climate Clock: Counting down to 1.5℃
The Climate Clock: Counting down to 1.5℃
Too busy for the PTA, but working-class parents care
La collaboration et la recherche de consensus transforment la justice civile
Le texte suivant est le premier d’une série de deux portant sur la transformation de la justice contradictoire vers la participation et la collaboration entre les protagonistes à un conflit.
Quantum Information
Evolution of Life on the Early Earth
Under what conditions did prebiotic organic compounds form and how did they polymerise? When did life first evolve, what was it, and how did it metabolise? How has biological innovation through time impacted the composition of the Earth’s surface? These are just some of today’s many unresolved questions, and for many, we have only scratched the surface.
The Quantum Information Revolution
Sir William Osler, 1849-1919
Sir William Osler was a founding member of the Royal Society of Canada, and like Sir Sandford Fleming, should keep the rest of us very, very humble. Osler has been termed the Father of Modern Medicine, one of the “greatest diagnosticians ever to wield a stethoscope,” and the “best known physician in the English-speaking world by the turn of the century.”
Lettre : Un nain sur les épaules de géants
Discours de réception de l’Académie des arts, des lettres et des sciences humaines
prononcé lors de la présentation des nouveaux membres de la Société royale du Canada
à l’Université du Québec à Montréal le vendredi 13 avril 2018