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Nominations must include the items below and follow the nomination guide.

  1. Enter the Primary Nominator information
  2. Enter the Candidate Nominee information and details
  3. Complete and attach a “Nomination Dossier” 

The nomination dossier you submit must contain all the items listed below in a PDF file.

  1. A cover letter from the Primary Nominator
  2. Citation (maximum 70 words; 85 in French)
  3. Detailed appraisal (maximum 1200 words; 1450 in French)
  4. Reference letters (the number of letters depends on the Academy to which the candidate is being nominated) (maximum 750-word letter – 900 in French - and a biography of 250 words; 300 in French)
  5. A CV (maximum 50 pages)

Please note that any component of a nomination written in French may have 20% more words than the usual limit.

If you wish to submit a nomination containing an address outside of Canada, please contact

* Required Fields

1. Enter the Primary Nominator information

Institutional Member nomination letters must be signed by the President/Principal/CEO or his/her designate.

2. Enter the candidate information and details below
Enter the discipline most closely associated with your choice of division category below.
View a list of disciplines (Open or download PDF)
Membership Type, Division and Discipline Information
Please select a division
3. Assemble the nomination dossier following the instructions below

Attach a single document in PDF format in the proper order that contains the following:

  1. A cover letter from the Primary Nominator
  2. Citation (maximum 70 words; 85 in French)
  3. Detailed appraisal (maximum 1200 words; 1450 in French)
  4. Reference letters (the number of letters depends on the Academy to which the candidate is being nominated) (maximum 750-word letter – 900 in French - and a biography of 250 words; 300 in French)
  5. A CV (maximum 50 pages)

Please note that any component of a nomination written in French may have 20% more words than the usual limit.

Note: Incomplete nominations will be rejected. It is the responsibility of the Primary Nominator to ensure that the application is complete and accurate.

Click the icon to select a file from your computer
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.