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The nomination period for the 2025 cohort of RSC Members is now open.

Please submit your nomination through our portal here. All nominations must be received by the RSC Secretariat by December 13th, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. EST.

For a guide with information about nominating someone to be a Fellow of the RSC, click here.

All nominations must be initiated by RSC Fellows or Institutional Members (IMs).

This year, there are no limits to the number of nominations submitted by Fellows or IMs.

The criterion for nomination shall be excellence, which is understood to encompass the goals of diversity and inclusivity to which the RSC is committed, and to which the membership of the College is expected to exemplify in terms of discipline, gender, ethno-racial diversity, Aboriginality, and official languages

The Selection Committees will select the candidates for the Class of 2025 to reflect the fields currently represented by the Academies of the RSC.

Nomination dossiers will be valid for one competition only.  

If you have questions, please contact us at or (613) 991-6990.