Dear Newly Elected and Returning Academy of Science (Academy III) Fellows:
I am honoured to invite you to the 2022 RSC Celebration of Excellence and Engagement (#COEE), which, for the first time since 2019, will be held in person in Calgary on November 23-26. Partnering with the University of Calgary, this year’s celebration of excellence and engagement will feature a symposium on One Health in Canada, multiple presentations by leading researchers in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, several cultural events, and the Annual Gala. Join us in celebrating a new generation of scientists and other scholars entering the RSC, including the 52 exceptional scientists and engineers elected as Fellows of the Academy of Science (Academy III).
I also hope that you will attend the Academy of Science Annual Meeting (Thursday, November 24, 3:30 – 5.00 PM) where we can review Academy III activities and discuss the RSC’s new strategic plan. As my term as President (also known as “the Pandemic President”, who was elected a month before COVID was identified!) comes to an end after the COEE, it is also an opportunity to meet the Academy’s new executive, including David Y. Thomas (Secretary, whose term started last year) and Michel L. Tremblay (President-Elect).
I wish to extend a special invitation to our new Fellows and hope they will attend the Thursday annual meeting of our academy, as it should provide a summary of our overall goals and new initiatives.
The agenda for the meeting, the minutes of the 2021 meeting and the Division Committee Reports, can be reviewed here below:
- Agenda
- Minutes of the 2021 Meeting
- ASE Division
- EOAS Division
- BIOS Division
- MEDS Division
- MPS Division
Should you be attending virtually, information on how to connect to the broadcast will be sent to you prior to the meeting in November.
Reminder: Register for virtual attendance by November 16. Registration questions may be directed to
I look forward to seeing you then.
John P. Smol OC, PhD, FRSC, FRS
President, Academy of Science (Academy III)
Distinguished University Professor, Queen’s University, Dept. Biology