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The At-Risk and Displaced Academics and Artists (ARDAA) program is a next step for the RSC in its commitment to inclusive excellence. Through this program, the RSC College invites applications for membership from academics and artists who have been displaced through war, conflicts or threats of violence and who, prior to their displacement, were engaged in innovative and entrepreneurial activity, demonstrating a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, leadership and responsibility to communities, and who were making meaningful contributions to society.

The program supports these individuals in three direct ways:

  1. Membership. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply for membership in the RSC College. Each year, the College will elect up to two individuals from this group and offer membership in the College for a full seven year term.
  2. Mentorship. RSC Members (both Fellows and College Members) will serve as mentors to successful applicants as well as other eligible candidates. Mentors will be assigned from the candidate’s institution, or one nearby. It is the aim that candidates be matched with mentors in the same discipline or related field when possible.
  3. Workshops. All eligible candidates will be invited to an annual ARDAA Practical Skills Workshop. The workshop will give candidates the opportunity to learn about the RSC and about navigating academia in Canada. Workshop participants will be encouraged to apply for College Membership.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • At the time of application, applicants must be formally affiliated with one of the Royal Society of Canada’s Institutional Members;
  • Applicants must have entered Canada through an arrangement with either Scholars At Risk or Scholar Rescue Fund and must provide documentation as support;
  • Applicants must possess a PhD or the equivalent of a terminal degree as appropriate for their practice (e.g. law, music, art);
  • Prior to displacement, applicants must have been not more than 15 years out of their PhD or equivalent (not more than 20 years in total - includes consideration given for career interruptions);
  • Applicants must be able to communicate in French and/or English (the official languages of Canada and the Royal Society of Canada);
  • Applicants must be willing to participate in an interview should their application be shortlisted.

Application Form 

For questions about the ARDAA program, please contact the RSC at

RSC’s ARDAA Programme | Cracking Canadian Academia Workshop 

As part of the At-Risk and Displaced Academics and Artists (ARDAA) program that supports displaced academics, the RSC is holding a workshop in April 2025 in Ottawa. The workshop will: 1) help prepare participants to meet the expectations of academic life in Canada; 2) support participants to learn about locating opportunities inside and outside of academia; and 3) build a network to support participants’ professional development beyond the workshop.

The workshop is offered in-person. Space is limited and registration is required. To register please contact Russel MacDonald at

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