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Background and Description  

The RSC Eric Jackman Prize in the Human Behavioural and Social Sciences was established in 2025 with the support of a generous endowment from the Jackman Foundation.  

The Prize celebrates path-breaking and sustained scientific contributions to preventing harm, strengthening resilience, or otherwise benefiting humankind through research in one or more behavioural and social science fields.  

Open to both individual Canadian researchers (or permanent residents of Canada) and established research teams led by a Canadian (or permanent resident of Canada), the RSC Jackman Prize will be offered annually if there is a suitable candidate. The Prize includes a cash award of $10,000 CAD.  

Public-facing activities featuring the winner of the Prize will promote public awareness of the role of social sciences research in creating a better society and also link the research to key elements of public policy.    

A successful candidate for the RSC Jackman Prize will stand out for the following reasons: 

  1. The clear relevance of the work to challenges confronting humankind 
  2. The path-breaking aspects of the work 
  3. The recipient’s sustained focus on applying the results of the work to tangible benefits to humankind 

Nominations for the Prize will be adjudicated by a committee named by the RSC and chaired by the President of its Academy of Social Sciences. Members of the committee will include at least three distinguished scholars with expertise in the relevant disciplines as well as two members-at-large. 

Nominations for the inaugural Prize will open this spring, and the inaugural prize will be presented at the 2025 Celebration of Excellence and Engagement in Montreal.