Dear Newly Elected and Returning Academy of the Arts and Humanities (Academy I) Fellows:
I am honoured to invite you to the 2022 RSC Celebration of Excellence and Engagement (#COEE) in Calgary on November 23-26. For the first time since 2019, it will be held in person, and we look forward to a safe return to the serendipitous meetings and generative conversations that we have missed. In partnership with the University of Calgary, this year’s Celebration will feature a symposium on One Health in Canada as well as a number of opportunities to hear and see the work of Fellows from our Academy as well as colleagues in the Arts and Humanities from the College, including research presentations and an evening of artistic works on "Climate, Community, Justice." The COEE will close with the Annual Gala. Please join us in celebrating and welcoming new members of the RSC, including the exceptional 23 scholars and artists joining the Academy of the Arts and Humanities.
I hope you will also attend our Academy’s Annual Meeting (Saturday, November 26th, 9:30-11:00am MST), to discuss Academy business as well as welcome the new president of our Academy, Dr. Sheila Embleton. The RSC AGM is later that same day (1:30-2:30pm MST), where we will welcome the new RSC President, Dr. Alain-G. Gagnon.
The agenda for the meeting, the minutes of the 2021 meeting and the Division Committee Reports, can be reviewed here below.
- Agenda
- Minutes of the 2021 Meeting
- Humanities Division
- Division des lettres et sciences humaines
- Arts Division
Should you be attending virtually, information on how to connect to the broadcast will be sent to you prior to the meeting in November.
Reminder: Register for in-person attendance by November 9 or virtual attendance by November 16. Registration questions may be directed to
I look forward to seeing you there.
Julia M. Wright, FRSC
President, Academy of Arts and Humanities